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Samsung Galaxy S II LTE Ice Cream Sandwich update finally arrives

You can now update your Galaxy S II LTE via KIES or OTA. This is the official Android 4.0.3 update for the Galaxy S II. Thanks to this update you can use things like facelock. Sadly this update is still not done for the Galaxy S II LTE  HD. Samsung needs more time for this update…

A. Major improvements

    Platform upgrade, Android 2.3 Gingerbread → Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

     - Face Recognition (Face Unlock), Android Beam Adding
     - Mobile Data Management Functionality
     - Multitasking and applications, some usability improvements

Two. Upgrade Notices

(1), some user data initialization


     - When performing this upgrade, the phone book, messages, photos and other major user data is maintained, but 
        improvements in part by its own 
user data will be initialized.
     - Set the initialization part
      And order of placement on home screen and main menu, the background screen image
      And improvements, some settings are changed depending on the value of the item
      And other applications and data can be initialized.
      And in case of unexpected loss of data, performed before the upgrade data via Kies
         Please backup

(2) Internal memory free space


     - To upgrade the system memory, 60MB or more of free space is required.
     - Downloaded the application, SMS / MMS, e-mail, please delete some of the secured amount.
     - How to check the remaining capacity
     And the Main Menu → Settings → System → SD card and phone memory, available memory space check →

(3) Application Compatibility


     - T store after upgrade or market some applications downloaded from Android 4.0 Ice Cream
        Sandwich versions 
have not been optimized software may not work properly.

      Samsung Apps and the availability of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich description of the products
         refer hope, 
does not work with 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Applications Samsung 
         Apps Customer Service ( ) through the Please thinking from.

      And T store in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich availability of the product description refer
         hope, Android 
4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich does not work with the applications' sellers
         contact us' through the Android 4.0 Icecream 
Sandwich to support developers (I) or a request to
         Customer Service, SK Telecom and T store ( ) through
 thinking from the Please

      In T store and bought some, if not the application is run, run T store T store
         to install the components you 
normally applications are available.

      And downloaded from the Android Market applications, and developers of applications that (i) and
         please feel free to contact us.

     - Galaxy S2 LTE as the installation files to the Android 4.0 applications built Ice 
        Cream Sandwich have not been optimized to 
work properly, so Samsung might not guarantee and 
        Samsung Apps, reinstall the latest version please.

(4) Change the way some applications and features provide


      - After the upgrade, click the icon for some applications and applications that go to the download market
         can be. 

     ※ down several interesting downloads WiFi mode is recommended.
        Leaders and hub

      - Flash Player can be downloaded from the Android Market is.
        Adobe 社 according to plan and future Flash Player Download from Android Market may be restricted.

      - Bluetooth HS profile does not feature support for the Upgrade. (Bluetooth 3.0 support)

(5) the processing of any operation


     - SW for mobile phone upgrades will be impossible for any operation, and unexpected problems
        can occur.
     - We are not resulting in customer support.

(6) EAS (Exchange ActiveSync) use the Customer Notes


     - EAS using the ICS Guests are permitted when the network settings after the upgrade data, much of the e-mail 
       fees may apply synchrotron 
can. (WiFi is recommended to use after setting EAS)


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