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Easily Obtain and Distribute Your Goo-ds with GooManager

Easily Obtain and Distribute Your Goo-ds with GooManager
One can never have quite enough Goo in his or her life. For those unfamiliar, is home to various notable ROMs, kernels, themes, and of course, the all-important Gapps. Now thanks to XDA Recognized Contributor thereals0up, we have GooManager Beta. With this app, you will never be caught without your daily dose of Goo.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this app is that it supports incremental ROM updates for sequential ROM packages. On top of that, it can receive OTA...
updates for supported devices, and uses theOpenRecoveryScript system, which was briefly mentioned when we announced the release of TWRP 2.1. In the words of the developer:
We have spent a lot of time getting the server side changes in place to automatically parse our developer’s rom files to grab data to make a functional OTA update system without the need for editing manifest files, or other tedious tasks. This is our attempt at creating a way for Android developers to simply publish material, and distribute it to the masses without any hassle.
This app is and will always be FREE!
General Features:
  • Ability to browse and search all of the files we have on our site, and download directly to your mobile device.
  • Receive OTA style updates from your favorite rom developers that we have hosted here.
  • CyanogenMod nightly build update support
  • Incremental (differential) rom updates for sequential builds
  • Flashing roms & installing recoveries
  • Update gApps packages
If you would like to sideload the app on your phone and avoid the market, we distribute the APK by itself, and also as a prebuilt repo maintained by solarnz(
Head over to the release thread to get the Goo-ds.


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