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Root Galaxy Note GT-N7000 on Stock ICS Without Upping Flash Count

Root Galaxy Note GT-N7000 on Stock ICS Without Upping Flash Count
It has been just a couple of days since we brought you news of the International Galaxy Note getting ICS, along with news that the update had been repacked and released for everyone. However, with every new iteration of Android comes a new challenge, and that’s rooting the new firmware. For some devices this can take months, leaving early adopters of new firmware releases without root. Thankfully, for theInternational Galaxy Note, this isn’t an issue.
XDA Senior Member deathst has released a root method for the ICS update for the International Note that doesn’t increase the phone’s binary count..
 While we already covered a method of rooting the newly updated device, this would have increased your flash count. Now users can root without worry.
The root method requires users to download ClockworkMod recovery and the root files. Then users boot into the stock recovery, flash the ClockworkMod, boot into the new ClockworkMod recovery, and flash the rest. Even if we knock Samsung for their plastic build quality, you’ll have a hard time beating how easy it is to obtain root on their devices. After flashing root access, users will boot back into their phones, and the whole process takes a total of about 5 minutes.
For the full method is available in the original thread.


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