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Official CM9 Nightlies Appear for the Galaxy Note GT-N7000

Official CM9 Nightlies Appear for the Galaxy Note GT-N7000The road to Ice Cream Sandwich has been paved with many victories for the international Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000. The devicereceived its official dose of ICS goods not too long ago, and root methods were promptly developed that wouldn’t affect the device’s flash count. We also covered the official alpha release of CyanogenMod 9 for the phone-tablet, which came courtesy of XDA Recognzied Developer XpLoDWilD, Team Hacksung, and of course the CyanogenMod team.
Now, progress has come once again, as XpLoDWilD brings us our next chapter in the ICS saga on the N7000 in the form of official . . .
Official CM9 Nightlies Appear for the Galaxy Note GT-N7000The road to Ice Cream Sandwich has been paved with many victories for the international Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000. The device received its official dose of ICS goods not too long ago, and root methods were promptly developed that wouldn’t affect the device’s flash count. We also covered the official alpha release of CyanogenMod 9 for the phone-tablet, which came courtesy of XDA Recognzied Developer XpLoDWilD, Team Hacksung, and of course the CyanogenMod team.
Now, progress has come once again, as XpLoDWilD brings us our next chapter in the ICS saga on the N7000 in the form of official CM9 nightlies for the device. Installation is simple enough, but differs depending on which ROM is currently loaded on your device. In the words of the developer:
First time installing CyanogenMod 9 to your Galaxy Note, or coming from another ROM:

- READ FAQs:…sked_Questions- Make sure you’re running a proper working ClockworkMod-Recovery
- DON’T flash FROM i9220 LEAKED REPACK!- Copy GApps and CM9 ZIPs to your internal SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM9 zip
- Flash GApps zip
- DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your calendar sync will not work)
- Reboot
- Don’t restore Apps using Titanium Backup!
Upgrading from earlier version of CyanogenMod 9:- Copy CM9 ZIP to your internal SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash CM9 zip
- Wipe cache partition and dalvik-cache
- Reboot
While there are still a few bugs and quirks to wring out, the ROM is very highly functional and is definitely worth a shot for practically all international Note users. Those looking to get in on the action should proceed to the development thread.
[Thanks to Androidindian for the tip.]


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